Ever Wonder how it all Began?
Isn’t it great to take time and reflect on how life has evolved. Inflight has come so far in the last 70 years, or what is considered three generations
The first airlines were created after World War I by former military pilots. Initially for mail delivery, passengers were gradually included on flights, however no thought was given to any foodservice.
The story books tells, it was not until 1936 with the development of the DC-3, that the first airplane galley was introduced. Primitive by modern standards, with no electrical power available. So all hot foods and liquids were boarded at ready-to-serve temperatures and held in hot thermoses.
Primitive though it was, the DC-3 revolutionised air travel and it was in this plane that routine, planned passenger foodservice became the standard for the industry.
By the mid-1930s, airlines were beginning to realise the importance of inflight foodservice to provide a competitive marketing advantage. The trail blazers knew way back then.
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